Muskogee Finance, Public Works committees; Special City Council at a glance

Muskogee Finance, Public Works committees;  Special City Council at a glance



—Finance Committee minutes of April 10, 2023, claims for all City departments April 1, 2023 through April 28, 2023.

—Held Public Hearing to discuss the City of Muskogee Budget for FY2023-2024.

—Resolution No. 2731 declaring a parcel of property, more particularly described in the resolution, as surplus to the needs of the City and authorize the conveyance of said property.

—Accepting the FY2020-2021 audit performed by Hood and Associates.

—Accepting the Engineering Services Agreement from Cowan Group Engineering, LLC (CGE), for Professional Services for Land Survey, Final Design, Bidding and Construction Administration, to complete CDBG Waterline Replacement Project No. 2023008, in the amount of $67,448.

—Change Order No. 1 for Package “C” Waterline Interconnects, Project No. 2022003, with Cook Consulting, in the amount of $166,775, to add a new waterline to Sadler Elementary School.

—Applying matching grant funds for the Roxy Theatre, totaling $26,000.

—Update on the Spay and Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP) and consider approval to receive donated funds for the months of January through April 2023, for $20 for the City’s Animal Shelter Sponsorship Program.

—Muskogee Fire Department to purchase bunker gear in the quantities of (33) coats and (31) pants, from Northern Safety, in the total amount of $108,761.

—Receipt of donated funds from the Cherokee Nation to be used for the purchase of equipment for the Muskogee Police Department, in the amount of $8,000.


—Public Works Committee minutes of April 10, 2023.

—Ordinance No. 4196-A amending the City of Muskogee Code of Ordinances, Chapter 90, Zoning, Article 08, Residential Districts, by amending Section 90-08-04, Residential Districts Design Standards; adding repeater, severability.

—Final Plat for the Sleepy Traveler Addition, brought by Landon & Kasey Holman.

—Preliminary Plat for the Warrior Addition, by Wallace Designs, developed by the Cherokee Nation.

—Amended City Council Policy 3-2-2, Pay Administration.

—Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute an agreement with SPATCO Energy Solutions to engineer and design a new central fueling station for the City of Muskogee.

—Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute an agreement with GH2, to design the City of Muskogee Civic Center HVAC Remodel Project, to include removing and replacing the chillers and boilers.

—Directed Changes to the process for Residential Sanitation Cart Service for disabled citizens.

—Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute an agreement with Clean Earth, to organize the Household Hazardous Waste Pollutant Collection, Transportation, and Disposal Event for the City of Muskogee.

—Received the City of Muskogee Annual Phase II Stormwater Report for permitted MS4s, submitted to ODEQ on April 28, 2023.

—Heard Report on the Azalea Cleanup Event.

—Recommendation by the City of Muskogee Foundation Board of Directors to reappoint John Barton to the City of Muskogee Foundation Board, serving a six (6) year term, beginning August 1, 2023, and ending July 31, 2029.

—Recommendation by the City of Muskogee Foundation Board of Directors to appoint Kim Walton, replacing Perline Boyattia-Craig, to serve a six (6) year term, beginning August 1, 2023, and ending July 31, 2029.

—Recommendation by the City of Muskogee Foundation Board of Directors reappointing Wren Stratton to serve as Board Chair for a one (1) year term, beginning August 1, 2023, and ending July 31, 2024.


—Pursuant to Section 307 B.3 and C.11, Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes, convened in Executive Session to confer on matters pertaining to economic development, including the possible sale of real property within the northwest quadrant of the City of Muskogee. Authorized negotiations.