How to Start a Business With No Money and Prevent Burnout

How to Start a Business With No Money and Prevent Burnout


For her second business, Mallory Rowan wanted a low-cost startup that wouldn’t lead to burnout. She built a marketing company, called Rowan Marketing, and initially spent $22 to launch it. Today, her business regularly books

What content marketing is and why I like it


Does advertising still work? Absolutely. But what works is always changing. A hundred years ago, “Buy product X” was competitive. Fifty years ago, not so much. Today, there’s a lot to overcome.

How Our Body Reacts To A Long-Haul Flight


In a few years, direct flights lasting 20 hours will possibly be a reality. On such occasions, we wonder how we could keep ourselves as healthy and fit as possible on a very long

How To Overcome Jet Lag


Are you preparing for a vacation and traveling by plane? There are ways to shield your body against jet lag and overcome it, reducing the symptoms that can ruin your vacation. Why do we