Tag: business marketing examples

4 Subscription Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

The subscription economy has been on the rise and will only continue to grow. With the global subscription eCommerce market expected to exhibit a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 65.5% between 2023 and 2028, it’s not a surprise that so many businesses are looking to pivot to the subscription model.

But in addition to creating opportunities, the subscription economy spike is also causing some challenges for DTC founders — namely, in one area: competitor differentiation. That’s why effective marketing is so important for the growth of subscription brands. And while there

Allied Global Marketing names Denise Parkinson as VP, business development | News

LA-headquartered analysis firm Allied Global Marketing has appointed Denise Parkinson as VP of business development.

Denise Parkinson

Based in London, Parkinson will work with Clint Kendall, Allied’s CEO; Adam Cunningham, chief strategy officer; and Kelly Estrella, chief of marketing operations.

Parkinson is responsible for identifying and driving strategic new businesses to support the company’s continued growth.

With more than 25 years of experience in entertainment marketing, Parkinson is an industry veteran, having worked across media companies, studios and agencies.

Most recently, she served as global entertainment director overseeing business development for OneFootball, a football media platform with more than 85

Small Business Marketing Ideas (For Any Budget)

For one week each spring, “shopping small” means big business.

Small Business Week, happening April 30 through May 6 in 2023, is a prime opportunity for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to raise brand awareness about their products or services—and bring customers in the door.

Doing this, however, requires a little outside-the-box thinking. Giving your marketing efforts a local twist is one way to get the word out.

Here’s a list of SMB marketing strategies designed with local businesses in mind.

What is Small Business Week?

Small Business Week is all about highlighting the resilience of local retailers, restaurants, service

The Best Text Message Marketing Services of 2023 – businessnewsdaily.com

Text message marketing services are more than a way to send text messages. They are full-scale marketing solutions that help you engage with your audience, track results and improve your customer service.

When you’re looking for a text message marketing provider, it can be challenging to know which of the many features you need. Here are the features we think are the most valuable for businesses to look for in a service.

Analytics and Reports

Analytics are a vital part of text message marketing. These numbers tell you which campaigns were successful and which ones were not. Analytics also provide

UMG Nashville Oops Lori Christian To EVP/Marketing, Rob Femia EVP/Business And Legal …


Christian and Femia (Christian photo: Chris Hollo)

UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP NASHVILLE (UMGN) has promoted LORI CHRISTIAN and ROB FEMIA to its executive team. CHRISTIAN is elevated to EVP/Marketing and FEMIA to EVP/Business & Legal Affairs for the label group, consisting of CAPITOL RECORDS NASHVILLE, EMI RECORDS NASHVILLE, MERCURY NASHVILLE and MCA NASHVILLE.

In his new role, CHRISTIAN will oversee UMG NASHVILLE’s Artist Development, Brands & Sponsorship, Creative Services, International Marketing and Media Marketing departments for the label group’s artist roster. CHRISTIAN rose to SVP/Marketing in 2020 after leading the company’s publicity department

When Marketing Gets Political | BoF

Rothy’s latest campaign isn’t about its recycled plastic ballet flats or brightly colored tote bags. It’s a week-long marketing blitz aimed at galvanizing support for a New York state recycling bill.

On Sunday, the footwear and accessories brand took out a full-page ad in the New York Times, its throwing the weight behind efforts to improve recycling rates by updating the state’s 40-year-old bottle collecting scheme. This week, its social channels will feature posts on the “Bigger, Better Bottle Bill.” visitors to the company’s e-commerce site will find details on how they can get in touch with state legislators

3 Marketing Channels You Shouldn’t Scale Back in a Recession

When a potential recession is looming, it might appear to be sensible to cut back on business spending. But according to Gareth Hoyle, managing director of United Kingdom-based search marketing agency, Marketing Signals, taking those measures with certain marketing strategies can cost your business in other ways.

Instead, business owners should consider a downturn in the economy as an opportunity to play up core digital marketing channels that need to remain strong and resilient. Check out Hoyle’s take on the following three areas of marketing he believes should be the focus of increased activity during a recession.

1. Continuously optimize

Some B2B agencies see a spike in business as market conditions remain unclear

Inflation, economic worries and budget cuts have hit some companies hard in the first quarter of 2023, so much so that some B2B agencies are said to be fielding significant interest from small to midsize marketers. And those marketers are looking to harness technology to devise newer approaches and strategies to win new businesses.

Omnicom’s B2B agency Doremus, which has been operating for more than 100 years, said it’s seen new business requests pick up dramatically since the beginning of the year. “New business activity at the agency is up three times this quarter when you compare to first quarter …

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